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(telematics update) Get up-to-date with Content & Apps for Automotive USA

I wanted to let you know that the up-to-date agenda for Content & Apps for Automotive USA 2012 is available for you to see. Here's a quick update:

20+ speakers including BMW, Honda, Toyota, GM, Livio Radio and Facebook will explain how to work with OEMs to integrate apps into the vehicle and take your product to market 
Network face-to-face with 200+ senior execs, build relationships and secure customers across the automotive, app development and wireless industries 
15+ Expert-lead sessions on evolving  tech. such as cloud and HTML5 and the business models that will generate lasting profits for your company

Take a look at the agenda to see which topics are key to your business: content&apps.com/agenda Take a look at the agenda to see which topics are key to your business: content&apps.com/agenda