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Company Name:SGS TAIWAN LTD.

Wherever you are in the world, in whatever industry, you can rely on our international teams of experts to provide you with specialized business solutions to make your business faster, simpler and more efficient. We partner with you to offer independent services that will help you reduce risk, streamline your processes and operate in a more sustainable manner. You can find out more about how we can help you reach your objectives by viewing our corporate video.



SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. We are recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 70,000 employees, we operate a network of more than 1,350 offices and laboratories around the world.



We aim to be the most competitive and the most productive service organization in the world. Our core competencies in inspection, verification, testing and certification are being continuously improved to be best-in-class. They are at the heart of what we are. Our chosen markets will be solely determined by our ability to be the most competitive and to consistently deliver unequalled service to our customers all over the world.



We seek to be epitomized by our passion, integrity, entrepreneurialism and our innovative spirit, as we continually strive to fulfill our vision. These values guide us in all that we do and are the bedrock upon which our organization is built.


Established in 1878, SGS transformed grain trading in Europe by offering innovative agricultural inspection services. The Company was registered in Geneva as Société Générale de Surveillance in 1919. Shares were first listed on (SWX) Swiss Exchange in 1985. Since 2001, we have only one class of shares consisting of registered shares.

The current structure of our company, consisting of ten business segments operating across ten geographical regions, was formed in 2001. From our beginnings in 1878 as a grain inspection house, we have steadily grown into our role as the industry leader. We have done this through continual improvement and innovation and through supporting our customers’ operations by reducing risk and improving productivity. Read more about the foundation of SGS in our Group History brochure.

Our core services can be divided into four categories:

#Inspection: our comprehensive range of world-leading inspection and verification services, such as checking the condition and weight of traded goods at transshipment, help you to control quantity and quality, and meet all relevant regulatory requirements across different regions and markets

#Testing: our global network of testing facilities, staffed by knowledgeable and experienced personnel, enable you to reduce risks, shorten time to market and test the quality, safety and performance of your products against relevant health, safety and regulatory standards

#Certification: we enable you to demonstrate that your products, processes, systems or services are compliant with either national or international standards and regulations or customer defined standards, through certification

#Verification: we ensure that products and services comply with global standards and local regulations. Combining global coverage with local knowledge, unrivalled experience and expertise in virtually every industry, SGS covers the entire supply chain from raw materials to final consumption.

1950 年代 1949 年政府遷台美援計畫開始,其中進口之大宗物資(小麥、黃豆、棉花、肥料等),多由SGS負責檢驗,為成立初期主要業務。 1960 年代 政府鼓勵廠商拓展外銷紡織成衣工業及其他勞力密集消費品,出口迅速成長。SGS配合外商採購增加,提供消費產品檢驗服務,並於1962年與遠東運務同盟簽定合約,執行出口併櫃貨品磅重與材積測量,以配合本地新興出口行業。 1970 年代 隨台灣原料進口大幅增加,使得礦產及化學檢驗大為增加。配合本地消費電子產品亦開始打開外銷市場,SGS適時代理UL/CSA/VDE/BSI等認證檢驗提供業界。台灣逐漸成為世界消費產品(紡織、成衣、鞋業等)的主要出口國,消費產品檢驗成為主要業務,並增設台中分公司。其間SGS與開發中國家簽約成立經濟事務處,開始提供裝船前檢驗服務(PSI)。 1980年代 1981年成立化驗中心,以檢驗消費產品及食品為主,配合台灣出口產品品質升級。為迎合石化工業高速擴充,1986年成立石油化學品部。其間SGS與印尼、菲律賓簽約,使得裝船前檢驗服務(PSI)業務大幅成長。 1990年代 為適應國內產業升級及國際化的需要,於1991年5月由經濟部投審會核准,成立台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司,以擴大提供專業測試及技術服務。首先引進英國亞士力國際認證服務,為台灣推行ISO 9000 國際品質認證之先驅,並提供訓練業務,培育國內ISO 9000種子人員,深受好評。隨後又引進歐市CE標誌,QS 9000/TS16949(汽車業)、ISO 14001、OHSAS 18001(勞安衛)、TL(通信業)、HACCP(食品業) 及QM9004(TQM)、及ISO相關教育訓練等相關之驗證服務。 2000年代 SGS實驗室測試服務擴大,陸續成立綜合化學、超微量工業安全衛生、食品、環保、雜貨、紡織、玩具、可靠度、電磁相容、安規、建材、鋼鐵、高分子、非破壞性測試、石化/礦化、生命科學等實驗室,業務大幅成長。在台灣成為提供第三者獨立測試實驗服務領域中,規模最大、最多樣化的民營機構。 台灣政府近年來除發展半導體和電子通信等高科技產業及大力持續推動公共工程外,亦開始重視一般生活環境品質及食品安全,更藉以提升民眾食、衣、住、行各方面的水平,成為台灣的競爭優勢。為配合政府的發展腳步,SGS環境服務應運而生,將歐美的環保經驗導入台灣市場,並於2002年成立電子通訊實驗室。 工業部擴大參與各項重大公共工程監測專案服務,為設計、製造、營造等單位提供專業服務,確保工程品質提昇。綜合化學及食品實驗室持續研發新高科技,提供農產品生產履歷驗證、食品安全衛生測試等。 SGS除在各領域發展獨具特色之檢驗、測試服務外,也結合公司在各領域之專業人員,針對業界之需求提供整合式服務。未來SGS更將以『追求創新』的精神來因應現階產業經濟的變遷與台灣的發展,鎖定以生物科技、綠能及節能產業、溫室氣體減量服務、e-化流程控管,建立公證、檢驗與驗證的另一新里程碑。