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(Telematics Wire) Wipro joins Automotive Grade Linux (AGL)

Wipro joins Automotive Grade Linux (AGL)

Wipro has become a silver member of The Linux Foundation and a bronze member of Automotive Grade Linux (AGL). It is known that AGL is a collaborative open source project that is...

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To develop signals that enable self-driving vehicles to communicate with people, Ford and Virginia tech create illusion of driverless car on road

Ford Motor Company has partnered with Virginia Tech Transportation Institute to conduct a user experience study to test out a method for a self-driving vehicle to signal its...

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Samsung establishes an innovation fund while subsidiary Harman forms strategic business unit dedicated to automotive

Having secured licenses for on-road testing of autonomous driving software and hardware under development in Korea and California, Samsung is making efforts to cement its place in...

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Audi unveils concept car “Aicon” having no steering or pedals

Audi unveiled a new concept car “Aicon” at IAA in Frankfurt. This Car is autonomous and electric and with a range about 500 miles, it has no pedals or steering. The...

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