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(Telematics Update) Insurance telematics market report with case studies from Discovery Insure, Liberty Mutual & Wunelli

Published the Insurance Telematics Report 2013. It includes case studies from Discovery Insure, Liberty Mutual and Wunelli to provide detailed knowledge of market shaping initiatives. Topics include:

Analyse whether PAYD, MHYD and PHYD business models will deliver the biggest ROI for insurers so you can make strategic investment decisions
Understand data collection models and how this will determine which parts of the ecosystem from insurers, telematics providers, wireless carriers and OEMs are best placed to prosper from insurance telematics
Take a look at how customers can be incentivised to share their data to ensure you generate the biggest ROI from insurance telematics products and services
You can download a complimentary report extract here: insurancetelematicsreport.com/extract

Charlotte Wright 
Marketing Manager
Telematics Update

+ 44 (0)2073757517
FROM:Telematics Update