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(Telematics Wire) u-blox achieves strong growth during first half of 2013 and increases guidance

u-blox achieves strong growth during first half of 2013 and increases guidance

Switzerland : u-blox has announced revenue for the first half year 2013 of CHF 105.1 million. This constitutes a 35.4% increase over the first half year of 2012. Gross...
Talksum launches ‘insurance telematics’ solution for handling big data
US: Talksum, Inc has unveiled its insurance telematics solution for handling massive amounts of disparate Big Data for insurance providers. Designed to accelerate real-time...
Coimbatore: GPS-enabled vehicles to be introduced for better tracking of garbage collection
According to a recent news the Coimbatore municipal corporation is planning to implement a real time GPS enabled vehicle tracking and monitoring system in its garbage collection...