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(Telematics Update) MyDrive Solutions on telematics and fair insurance for drivers

In this week’s Brief: IMS Research, Kia, Chrysler, Renault, TomTom, RealVNC, 7layers, Tesla, WirelessCar, BMW and Audi
Cost savings, driver safety and passenger convenience are shaping up as the main driving forces behind adoption of fleet telematics across a wide range of previously neglected market segments—urban buses, motor coaches, taxis, emergency vehicles, rental fleets and light commercial vehicles.
Growing numbers of insurance companies are exploring the potential of telematics devices to add intelligence to the premium creation process. However, whilst early figures clearly indicate a strong link between driver behaviour and propensity to claim, insurance companies’ fears of being overwhelmed by vast quantities of data are potentially undermining the true value and adoption rate of telematics in the industry.
The industry has found three strategies for reducing display clutter and driver distraction, while allowing for more personalization: dynamic instrument clusters that can show the most pertinent or desired information; augmented reality displays on window glass, including the heads-up display for the driver and more fun things for passengers; and gesture controls.
In this video from the Insurance Telematics USA 2012 conference, Shamik Lala, senior manager, AT Kearney, discusses two new business models for insurance telematics: integrators, one customer-facing brand that offers all its services under a single umbrella,versus aggregators, an app store-like platform that supports many different brands.
Insurance Telematics Europe 2013 will gather the thought leaders and pioneers of the insurance telematics space to carefully dissect and answer the issues that your business is currently facing!
The Largest Business Forum Dedicated to In-Car Content & Apps for OEMs, app developers, content aggregators, wireless carriers, telematics service providers and device manufacturers 

Charlotte Wright
Marketing Manager 
Telematics Update 
 +44 (0)20 7375 7517