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(Telematics Wire) No more zzzzz while driving: Your ‘embedded’ car seat will alert you before you doze off

No more zzzzz while driving: Your ‘embedded’ car seat will alert you before you doze off

“Wake up you lazy brat, it’s no time to sleep”- Your car’s seat It is quite often for a driver travelling late at night to feel dizzy and trying to doze...
Softkinetic and Melaxis to bring 3D experience in cars with focus on driver monitoring
Published: July 23, 2014 | Belgium SoftKinetic with Melexis announced the first time of flight (ToF) 3D sensor for automobile safety and infotainment markets. The MLX75023...
Employing MOST in automotive infotainment gets easier with Microchip’s MOST ToGo Designs
Published: July 22, 2014 | United States Microchip Technology announced its MOST(R) ToGo Reference Designs, which make it easy for designers to learn and implement the proven...