
TTIA 社群平台

(TTIA公告) 「TICA (Traveler Information&Communication Alliance) 台灣RDS-TMC服務營運」啟動公告

TICA (Traveler Information&Communication Alliance) 




由於RDS-TMC服務必須各方資源整合搭配,包括資料來源端、廣播電台發布端、接收設備端才能提供優質的服務,針對現況服務不足問題,台灣車載資通訊產業協會(Taiwan Telemaitcs Industry Association,簡稱TTIA),擬於TTIA組織下面設立一個專責單位TICA (Traveler Information &Communication Alliance)

TICA (Traveler Information &Communication Alliance) 針對未來RDS-TMC永續營運,以營運RDS-TMC服務為基礎,參考先進國家的推動作法,具體規劃完整的作法,並整合產、官、學、研各界會員廠商的力量,一起來進行未來RDS-TMC服務營運推動。

RDS-TMC資訊加密提供,將由加值業者(車廠/導航/圖資業者/ 手機導航廠商等)付費取得加值應用權利,所得用以改善現況以提供更優質之即時交通資訊。針對未來RDS-TMC服務營運的收費辦法規劃,如下:

(1) 車廠:NT$ 1000 (Per car)

(2) PND導航廠商:NT$ 100 (Per device)

(3) 手機廠商:NT$ 100 (Per mobile device)


TICA (Traveler Information&Communication Alliance) 

Taiwan RDS-TMC Business Service Operation 

Official Launch Announcement

In order to integrate the real-time traffic information into national navigation system for Taiwan travelers to access real-time traffic information seamlessly, Institute of Transport (IoT), Ministry of Transport and Communication ( MoTC) started to engage on the R&D and implementation of RDS-TMC real-time traffic broadcasting mechanism. RDS-TMC was officially online for public service, most of navigation system, including TomTom, Garmin, Panasonic, Mio, PapaGO, Gonav, ASUS, Holux, AlTINA and etc... all adopted the RDS-TMC broadcasting standards and information services. 

For high-quality RDS-TMC service, it's required to integrate and coordinate resources including data resource side, broadcasting station side, receiving facility side. Taiwan Telematics Industry Association (TTIA) plan to establish Traveler Information & Communication Alliance (TICA) to execute the sustainable operation and management of RDS-TMC. On reference of the operation methods from countries such as US, Europe and Japan, a comprehensive proposal is stipulated to integrate TTIA members across public, private, academic sectors to promote and facilitate the RDS-TMC service operation. 

RDS-TMC information encrypted services provision shall be paid by value-added sectors, including car manufacturers, PND manufacturers, GIS sectors, mobile navigation providers to obtain the license of using the value-added application, while the revenue shall be utilized to provide better real-time traffic service. The service model is planned as below:

(1) Car Manufacturers:NT$ 1000 (Per car)

(2) PND Manufacturers:NT$ 100 (Per device)

(3) Mobile device sectors:NT$ 100 (Per mobile device)

Through the technological cooperation and industrial integration, it's anticipated to upgrade and develop multiple telematics value service and create telematics industrial value chain, so as to facilitate various telematics services and applications for service re-engineering and sustainability in Taiwan. 


Enclosed please download the presentation of "RDS-TMC Business Operation Plan" in PDF file.

RDS-TMC License Agreement is available to download for review on 文件下載區 (Document download) ( Please be reminded you will need to register with your account and password to access the license agreement both in English and in Chinese. If there is further question, please feel to contact TTIA office 02-2713-9126.