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重要國際車載快訊!!ERTICO公佈「 EC plan for eCall legislation」

ERTICO公佈「 EC plan for eCall legislation」

       根據 Telematics News 於2012年10月8日發布的車載新聞報導,ERTICO近期已經公佈了支持建議歐盟立法“EU wide eCall service”,預計從2015年開始生效實施。
       TTIA也將於2012年11月8日假台北國際會議中心舉辦「Telematics Taiwan 2012」,會中邀請歐洲、日本、台灣等重量級的講者來介紹、說明,目前世界車載資通訊的發展現況,對歐盟eCall系統的立法及實施方式等相關資訊議題有興趣者,屆時歡迎前來共襄盛舉。


「Ertico confirms EC plan for eCall legislation」
By admin        Published: 08 October 2012
Ertico has announced that the European Commission has published its Recommendation on support for an “EU wide eCall service” in electronic communication networks for the transmission of in-vehicle emergency calls based on the European standards developed by the European Standardisation Organisations (including E112 and TPS) and an Impact Assessment on the implementation of a harmonised “EU wide eCall service”.

The Impact Assessment concludes that:
  • For the EU27 a regulatory approach is most effective and efficient. It is therefore recommended as the preferred option by the European Commission for the implementation of the “EU wide eCall service”
  • The “EU wide eCall service” for passenger cars and light-duty vehicles will be included in an Annex to the Type Approval Directive, which is currently under preparation by the European Commission to take effect from 2015 for new type approved vehicles
The Impact Assessment was followed by a draft report from the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection & Committee on Transport and Tourism supporting the conclusions of the Impact Assessment. This report can be accessed here.

Source: Ertico
SBD COMMENT: This announcement by Ertico is considered to be a significant precursor to the emergence of the long-awaited Type Approval legislation mandating eCall. This legislation is being circulated within the EC, but has not yet emerged in public. Details of the processes leading to eCall mandates in Europe and Russia are included in SBD’s quarterly Connected Car Guide ~ Government edition.