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Company Name:KingwayTek Technology

Kingwaytek Technology Co. Ltd(Kingwaytek) specializes in the production of digital maps, and provides digital mapping solutions to Google, major automobile venders, and government organizations. Based on this technique, we also launched the telematics system, “Localking” navigation app, which has accumulated over 6.9M download, and built the biggest traffic data platform in Taiwan. Kingwaytek seizes tomorrow’s opportunities and invests heavily to complete the development of the autonomous vehicle. Starting from building HD maps by using mobile mapping systems that fitted with Lidar, Rader, Image sensor, GPS and IMU. With the aid of HD maps, the vehicles will be able to understand its precise position and improve the accuracy of the AI perception and recognition system. We are now applying the automated driving system on the self-driving car at experimental field sites.

HD Map provider Autonomous system integrator Navigation software and Telematics system EC in vehicle.