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(Telematics Wire) Pravala Car gets $9.7 million grant to develop ‘Connected Vehicle Gateway’

Duckietown: Teaching automotive autonomy at MIT

MIT has a new class on the science of vehicle autonomy at the graduate level. This is a hands-on, project-focused course focusing on self-driving vehicles and high-level autonomy....
Transportation outlook based on connectivity, autonomy, mobility and electrification
April 21, 2016 | Colorado A new white paper from Navigant Research examines the long-term evolution of individual transportation based on an assessment of four key...
Pravala Car gets $9.7 million grant to develop ‘Connected Vehicle Gateway’
April 19, 2016 | Ontario Pravala Car has been awarded a $9.7 Million contribution to bring its Connected Vehicle Gateway (CVG) Platform from proof of concept to full...