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(Telematics Wire) Now get your Tesla washed, refueled and valet parked with Luxe app

Uber leverages smartphone sensors for driver behaviour management

Published: January 28, 2016 |San Fransisco, CA Uber is running a pilot program to verify feedback from riders about driver behaviour and also the overall experience of their...
Now get your Tesla washed, refueled and valet parked with Luxe app
Published: January 28, 2016 | San Fransisco, CA Luxe, a valet parking app for your phone, has partnered up with Tesla Motors in San Francisco and New York City to meet Tesla...
Scania has now 170,000 connected trucks and buses globally
Published: January 28, 2016 | Stockholm Five years ago, Scania introduced connectivity as standard in the European markets. Today connected customers in more than 50...